HashNET d.o.o., a blockchain infrastructure company, continues to make remarkable strides in social innovation and digital solutions, driving societal advancements through cutting-edge technology. In recent years, HashNET d.o.o. from Croatia has collaborated closely with its Slovenian counterpart on several key initiatives aimed at fostering digital transformation and innovation.
Starting in 2024, the SEED to Scale initiative will mark a new chapter in HashNET’s commitment to advancing social innovation in Croatia. This project involves key team members from HashNET Croatia: Martina Križan, Ana Kapusta, and Iva Kapusta. Building on the success of the SEED project in Slovenia, SEED to Scale aims to develop a robust social innovation ecosystem tailored to Croatia’s needs. A cornerstone of this initiative will be the development of the DISI-Lab platform—a digital laboratory for social innovations that will facilitate collaboration, engagement, and the digitalization of social innovation efforts across Europe.
Martina Križan, as a senior staff member and project manager, will oversee the conceptualization, design, and development of the SEED to Scale digital platform. She will ensure that the platform meets the needs of social innovators, while also coordinating project activities, scheduling workshops, and tracking milestones to ensure the project’s success.
Ana Kapusta will play a critical role in shaping the strategic direction of the platform and its alignment with the broader objectives of the social innovation community. Her expertise will ensure that the platform serves as a catalyst for impactful societal change.
Iva Kapusta, a junior staff member, will bring her technical expertise to the development and support of the SEED to Scale platform. She will assist in coding, designing user-friendly interfaces, and integrating innovative features. Additionally, Iva will contribute to the development of an AI-powered social innovation assistant, leveraging machine learning and natural language processing to enhance user support and engagement.
The SEED to Scale project, set to launch in 2024, underscores HashNET’s dedication to leveraging technology for societal benefit. By fostering partnerships and driving digital transformation, HashNET is poised to address pressing societal challenges and contribute to a sustainable digital future. This initiative reinforces HashNET’s leadership in blockchain and social innovation, paving the way for meaningful advancements in the years to come.