HASHNET Platform

HashNet revolutionary algorithm features faster transaction time using masternodes and Proof of Stake consensus.

HashNET consensus uses “redundancy reduced gossip” and “virtual voting” protocols based on distributed computation and algorithms from theoretical computer science, which provide fair and fast, byzantine fault tolerant consensus algorithm.

HashNET keeps all positive characteristics of a blockchain technology while increasing throughput to more than 20,000 transactions per second.

HashNET Functionalities

HashNET is scalable, fast, secure, and fair decentralized, leveraging Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT).


HashNET is scalable. Scalability is the biggest problem in the blockchain technology space. Also, even with a large increase in number of nodes, HashNET network is able to process all transactions in a matter of seconds.

100% Secure

HashNET is 100% secure. HashNET can’t be hacked due to the power of distributed algorithm, which is responsible for reaching consensus within the nodes.


HashNET was built to support over 20,000 transactions per second, compared to Bitcoin, which can only manage 7 transactions per second. HashNET uses Proof-of-Stake algorithm combined with masternodes to reach distributed consensus. The process of receiving and recording occurs as soon as transaction takes place, which allows the final confirmation to be ready instantly.


HashNET is fast, because it doesn’t require miners to create a chain of blocks in order to record transactions. This process of creating a chain of blocks is very slow and it HashNET is fair, because no individual can manipulate the order of transactions. With HashNET, there is no way for the individual to affect the consensus order.